2025 Annual Meeting
The 2025 Annual Meeting will be held both virtually (via Microsoft Teams) and in person at the Plato Township Hall at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 10, 2025. Please mark your calendar for this important event! Contact us at oakridgefarmhoa@gmail.com for more information.
Monthly Meetings
Our board meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of most months at 7pm virtually (via Microsoft Teams) and in person at a "to be announced" location.
Slow Down Please
It was again brought to our attention that drivers are exceeding the 30 mile-per-hour speed limit throughout our subdivision. With our shortened hours of daylight, kids are heading to bus stops in near darkness.
We also have bike riders, dog walkers, joggers and walkers on our streets during the early morning, daytime, evening and night. Please ask all drivers in your household, as well as your guests, to adhere to the residential speed limit.
• Are fences allowed in the subdivision?
The only type of fencing allowed in the subdivsion is splitrail fencing.
• Are tool sheds or other outdoor structures allowed?
Outbuildings of any kind, above ground swimming pools, radio and television receivers are prohibited.
• Can I put solar panels on my roof?
Yes, they are allowed. Please see the Solar Energy Policy in the Reference section.
• More questions... email us!
If you would like to see a question added to this list, just email us to get it posted.
You can contact us at oakridgefarmhoa@gmail.com for more information or if you would like to see something added to our page.